Saturday, 29 May 2021

May 29, 2021

I've been trying to write the final essay of the academic year all day. And failing. Have managed about four sentences.

I'm so deeply bored with it all. Don't get me wrong: I've loved the lectures, reading the texts, being exposed to new ideas, discovering the myriad wonders of the ethnographic record.

But my god how I hate regurgitating it all once a month into a pointless unremarkable essay. 

Anyway. It is only a wild rumour that I've been considering not handing anything in at all, thus flunking the entire year, and then never thinking about academica ever again as long as I live. No. I will be a good girl and get something handed in on time somehow.

Other things:

One of the magpies came by just to observe me for a while:

How nice! This is for you, my piebald friend:

The air ambulance landed on the rec again! That's three times this year, up from a previous annual average of zero. It didn't stay long and I couldn't see it what it was up to as the trees have their leaves now, but I got a glimpse as it took off:

A Graun article about trees communicating with humans piqued my interest - transspecies interaction is something we've looked at on the course, and trees feature in my essay - and a subsequent web seach turned up the following:

An ebook called The Myth of Human Supremacy that looks right up my street, vehemently objecting as I do to human exceptionalism

A Radiolab podcast called From Tree To Shining Tree 

A New York Times thing discussing the social lives of forests 

And this video, which is all about how mushrooms will save humanity:

Dude also has a fine moustache.

NB - this stuff is entirely sort of relevant for my esssay and not merely distraction/procrastination, honest.

Why 'Bushman banter' was crucial to hunter-gatherers' evolutionary success is definitely essay-relevant and, happily, a cool read too.

Not essay relevant but mentioned in one of the textbooks I'm reading is Georges Hébert, accidental inventor of parkour. I went hunting for the film the textbook mentions he made; didn't find it, but found this bizarrely brilliant wee snippet instead:

I'm disappointed that eating spaghetti has never once prompted me to scale a building with a small boy on my back.

Forgot to have dinner today, due to all the exciting "research" activity.

Forgot that I was wide awake and wandering about at 3am this morning, until I saw the camera roll. 

Food, sleep, who needs it.

Today's Photo: 3am Kitchen Dreaming

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