Thursday, 20 May 2021

May 20, 2021

We're two weeks into this module and every time I think I should probably do some work, I start singing this instead:

The procrastination is strong with this one.

Heard a folorn cry from the balcony this afternoon and looked up to see this sad face staring imploringly back at me:

Captain Beaky has sussed I put food out for the magpies, and wants some for himself, but he's too big and too clumsy to perch on the windowsill where the morsels are. 

Believe me, he's tried. But he's all wings and self-consciousness and can't quite figure out how to do it.

So now he just hangs around on the crenellations, looking sorry for himself and asking for food as politely as a herring gull can ask for anything:

How could you resist a face like that?

The magpies objected to his visits at first, but now they're chill with it. They come and hoover up all the good stuff the moment I put it out anyway:

I worry about the magpies when the weather's foul like this. It can't be much fun living in a structure made of twigs when it rains all the time and there's a gale blowing.

Today's Photo: Neighbourhood Watch

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