Saturday, 20 November 2021

November 20, 2021

Another backdated one, written 2pm Sunday, as Saturday - ALL of Saturday - was spent in mortal combat with MS Office, most notably trying to work out why it decided to page-number my document '1, 3, 4, 5, 6'. 

I was up and at it by 8am, stopped for lunch at 10.30am, had two or three more lunches after that, then finally closed the laptop around 11pm. After decompressing with Twitter for a bit, I was finally in a fit state to ask "What's for dinner?" at 1am.

(Dinner was a peanut butter sandwich.)

But after another early start to get the final tweaks and polishes done, both parts of the assessment for this module are now submitted and I am FREE*. I have learned nothing about being organised, effective note-taking, leaving things to the last minute, how to format reports or indeed the topic covered by the module, but never mind.

I'm going to wash (remember that?), get dressed (remember that?), and go out for the day (remember that?) to celebrate my freedom. I don't think I've driven out to Barrybados since June or July so will remedy this horrible oversight pronto**.

Today's Photo: The Promise Of Watching Paddington 2 After This Is All Over Will Get Me Through

* Free until the next module in January
** Oh. Have just remembered I should probably get a Covid test first

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