Wednesday, 9 June 2021

June 9, 2021

Looking through an old notebook for a quote I knew I'd scribbled down somewhere, I came across some stellar examples of that cultural classic, Brits Abroad, I'd recorded for posterity:

Amsterdam: "Entering Vondelpark, the first thing I see is a 'Bollocks To Brexit' sticker stuck to a lamp post."

Also Amsterdam: "Having a beer at the library BECAUSE I CAN."

Amiens, France: "Having a beer in McDonalds BECAUSE I CAN." (I sense a theme here.)

The next morning, at the same McDonalds: "Breakfast of two ibuprofen, three coffees and a chocolate pastry and I'm tripping like Anthony Kiedis <3 "

"Impressions of Iceland - undercuts and novelty cruet." 

At a very naff all-inclusive resort in the Dominican Republic: "Blond northern Englishman getting animated about garages on the back of several cocktails. Girlfriend bored."

On the observation deck at the top of the Euromast, Rotterdam, a woman stumbles on wonky paving. She comments, "It's like walking in Colchester."

Rotterdam again. Outside the Cube House Museum, a girl is hesitating about paying the $3 entrance fee. Finally overcoming her reluctance, she says earnestly to a friend, "I hope it's not shit."

Piazza Navona, Rome, Monday 24 December: "Just heard English tourists say 'Gracias' to Santa Claus."

God I miss holidays.

Couldn't find the quote I was looking for (googled it in the end - it was Rachel Carson), but did come across this one from Paulo Coelho, which stopped me in my tracks:

If you ever find yourself in the wrong story, LEAVE. 
I've been in the wrong story for the last six years.

Today's Photo: Daisy 


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