Wednesday, 28 April 2021

April 28, 2021

At some point last week or the week before, I noticed the sidebar for this blog had disappeared.

After posting last night, I went looking for it and found it squashed up at the bottom of the page.

I fiddled around in Themes for a while but got nowhere. Then a quick internet search revealed the problem is going to be some errant HTML code posted somewhere and the fix is to simply find it and remove it.

Right. Yes, I have all the time in the world for that.

A little digging around last night failed to locate the offending post.

Maybe it's something I'll have time to investigate properly next week. In the meantime, please excuse the yawning void on the right of the page.

Hunting for bad links past midnight made me oversleep this morning.

I woke up to something unexpected. Rain! I'd forgotten it existed.

Someone at today's Teams meeting said it was due to snow where they were in Scotland, though, so I'm not complaining.

Today's Photo: Welcome Back

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