Thursday, 21 January 2021

January 21, 2021

Today I have mostly spent 12 hours writing a 2000-word critical review of some poor woman's shonky academic paper.

The beast is more or less done. Just final tweaks and a reference list, then I submit (deadline 23:59 tomorrow), then I enjoy a lazy, guilt-free weekend of pure indulgence.

Saturday activities I am already excited about: reading a book for pleasure; hoovering; doing some laundry. Woohoo!

Sunday: it's not possible to think that far ahead.

In my tea-breaks today, I found these amazing things:

Birds on an amplified fence.

Animated knots.

Bobby's bus shelter.

And Hantu the Undiagnosable has made me feel better about myself YET AGAIN with their magnificent tweets:



I have gained so much from Twitter thanks to autistic and ADHD people sharing their stuff on there. I doubt if I'd have realised I was ASD/ADHD without it. 

Internet connection: £20 a month.

Recognising in internet strangers your own experience: priceless.

Nipped down to the river again after work and with the aid of some bird seed, got the inquisitive robin I met last week to PERCH ON MY HAND!!!! There is a strong possibility that even with 11 and a bit more months to go, this could remain the best thing that happens to me all year.

Walking to my car this morning, it started to hail.

Today's photo: Before Dawn (with added hail).


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