Sunday, 28 February 2021

February 28, 2021

I watched Run Lola Run again last night.

It was strange to think that the version of me who saw this film for the first time in the early 2010s thought it was merely ok - verging on meh, even - because Current Me thought it was brilliant. 

How can I be two different people in such a short time?

Lola has the best hair; I would love to have hair like this:

I also really like that if you do an image search for Franka Potente, she looks like a completely different person in every single photo.

The crowing achievement of this weekend was reading the set text for the current module - Humans and Other Animals by Samantha Hurn, all 200-and-something pages of it.

I was quite pleased with myself as I haven't finished reading the set texts for my 1985 English Literature A Level yet.

I got through by pandering to the ADHD instead of fighting it: leaping up every time I felt myself losing concentration to jog on the spot, or put the kettle on, or stare out the window for a bit, before gently bringing myself back to the task in hand.

(I used to be able to read a book in one go, but lockdown seems to have killed off that particular superpower.)

I made lots of really useful notes:

Just the two essays to write from here, ho hum.

Today's Photo: Through A Window (Condensation)

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