Thursday, 25 February 2021

February 25, 2021

Spent a lovely evening in the company of friends:

Ok so it was actually a paid-for one-hour Zoom event via @GuardianLive with my three favourite Guardian columnists, but in the context of the last 12 months it felt like a proper night out with excellent people.

Saw my first person braving the cold to sit out on the rec. Hero - while it certainly smells like spring, it's still not exactly warm out there:

Soon there will be many more. 

Discovered something called Jal Tarang today. I challenge you to watch this and not want to give it a go on whatever jam jars and cereal bowls you can muster:

Read an interesting article about PTSD: How to remember a disaster without being shattered by it.

Loved this: The secret lives of cows.

And found a nice graphic to help me remember the phases of the moon:

All these things are important of course because I'm in total denial about having two essays and a shitload of reading to do. I cannot make my brain engage with uni work at all.

Never mind. Here's Today's Photo: Man on Bus

 Plus two more also taken on the drive home from work, purely because I like them:

Yes I was stationary on each occasion.

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