Monday, 22 February 2021

February 22, 2021

One day at a time is how to get through this.

Today was a day; I got through it.

Here is one of the pair of magpies who are busy nest-building in the tree outside my house:

(I put together a run of photos to make a gif.)

The nest is directly in my eyeline when I'm sat at my desk in front of the window attending lectures via Teams. I've been trying to get a picture of them at work for ages but only today is the nest high enough for them to appear above the leaf-line when they perch on it.

Further distractions to lectures came in the form of the air ambulance landing on the rec very close by:

Just prior to this, an unmarked car had screamed down the road with blues-and-twos going full blast. 

I'm not sure what it was about (and prefer not to know, my heart can't take any more sorrow at the moment) but it made the local news. I hope whoever it was is ok.

It was warm and sunny outside, so after lectures I got down and dirty with the crocuses again:

And I spent a lot of time hanging over the edge of the bridge, staring at the abstract reflections in the brook:

But in the end there were just too many people in the park for comfort and I had to come home.

I'm back to feeling depressed again. Feeling okay lasted about a week.

Have you drawn an iceberg yet? It's very soothing.

Today's Photo: Ivy Dreaming:



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