Into the home straight now on this one-year blogging challenge. I never thought I'd stick at it, but here we are.
I loved today's Graun article about walking The Malverns. Gorgeous photos too. Every time I drive up the M5 or the M50 I cast a longing eye in their direction. I really do need to start carpe-ing that diem, especially now I know there are freshwater springs up there. Getting water from a spring is something I miss about New Zealand, where I used to trundle up to Petone every now and again from Island Bay to take advantage of their miraculous artesian well.
Also loved this tweet by the always wonderful Haggard Hawks about starlings - little stars!
Fairly large flocks used to stop to rest in the trees that line the road outside when I first moved into this flat. Twice a year without fail, over the course of a few days every late-autumn and every spring, the traffic noise would suddenly be drowned out by a cacophony of whistling and bleeping. Quite magical. Even more magical was the way they'd all up and leave at exactly the same moment, leaving behind a beat of silence before the traffic rushed in to fill it.
There haven't been many in recent years, so it's been nice to see (and hear) a couple of small groups pass through this week:
Seeing a massive murmuration remains on the bucket list, along with seeing the Northern Lights and having a go at water skiing.
I forgot to put my camera in my bag when I went to work this morning, so obviously when I strolled down the Taff Trail afterwards robins and great tits were throwing themselves at me, and there was a rainbow and all sorts of other exciting things.
Today's Photo: Christmas Is Loading
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